Friday, December 18, 2015

Week 20

You're five months out of school now and I hate to break it to you but, your lenders for student loans are unfortunately going to start reaching out to you soon and will want their money back. The very first thing I request is drumming up any paperwork or information you can from school that you signed to get the money, contact your financial aid department at school, and if nothing else, they will be in contact with you. But I suggest as soon as you find out how much they want each month, you look at your monthly budget and figure out if you can swing it. I cannot emphasize how important it is to sort through this soon rather than later. If you cannot afford your payments, reach out to your debtor ASAP! Running from this, ignoring or sending them what you can afford won't cut it. They will still want the difference unless you reach out to them and make other arrangements. As angry as this will make you, be proactive about your debt.

Follow up on this, if you can swing it financially, go for auto draft. Most lenders will knock a couple of percentage points off of your interest rate if you do and you will not have to send them a payment and have a monthly reminder of all of the failure and fabulous debt that comes with it.


Handle this sooner rather than later. You don't want to kill your credit score because you are angry. I know its hard but this is for the best. Its not you, its them, and they suck but you will have to pony up the cash one way or another. Make it easier to forget about it, once you establish your payment with your lender, auto draft it from a separate account if you can so you literally, never have to lay eyes on it again.

Yet another bite of the shit sandwich we call failure but it gets easier to swallow with each bite. You'll be okay, just try to grit your teeth and bear it for now. Your income will level out with the payment (like any other expense) and it won't always be where the bulk of your money goes….one day….